Reduce the environmental, financial, and health/safety risks of CSO with a data-driven strategy.
Combined sewer overflow, or CSO, is a public health risk, can damage local infrastructure, and leads to complaints from unhappy residents with flooded basements. What’s more, state reporting requirements can be a heavy burden for overtaxed wastewater utilities.
No matter what your situation is, the Ayyeka Wavelet remote monitoring system can help!
- Fast, easy implementation: Automate your reporting with sensors at outfall locations, or monitor sewer levels in real time to zero in on blockages that can be cleared before overflow events happen.
- Target your infrastructure investments: Find the best and most cost-effective solutions with robust, highly detailed data.
- Fully compatible with your assets: The Wavelet collects data from any sensor, over any communication network, using any server, and can be integrated into any SCADA or software analytic platform.
If you’re wrestling with CSO, let us help: contact us today for expert advice and a solution for your unique situation.
Images courtesy of Ayyeka.